
成立於1998年,多年來致力於提供高品質的英語語言教育。 幫助各年齡層次和背景的學生實現他們的語言學習目標。我們的使命是賦予學生語言技能和信心,使他們在日益全球化的世界中優越出眾。
Teacher Lynnette來台從事英語教學超過20年,教學經驗豐富,深諳台灣教育模式,教學上著重英文的實用性,以活潑多元的教學方式,來引發學生的學習興趣,聽說讀寫同步發展,為同學建構堅實的基礎與實力。

After teaching for so many years, one of the most wonderful things is seeing my students go from beginners, learning phonics and writing letters, to giving a speech in front of the class and writing English compositions. I am blessed to have the opportunity to teach such lovely students and watch them grow and achieve. We welcome you to join us!